Muppet King Arthur #3 preview

Published: March 16, 2010
Categories: News

Now that King Arthur and his armored buddies got together to sit around a big table, they’re finally ready to spend tax dollars on a worldwide hunt for a cup! In Muppet King Arthur #3, the gang finally sets out on their big quest, and you (yes, YOU!) can read it for yourself when the issue hits stores on Wednesday, March 17!

But for now, perhaps you’ll settle for a preview of the covers and first five pages! Remember, give the images a click or two to see them get all big and stuff!





Muppet King Arthur #3 will be in stores on Wednesday, March 17!

Click here to ignore your kingly duties and go on a wild goose chase on the ToughPigs forum!

by Joe Hennes –

Tagged:comics | preview

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