The Sad Tale of the SNL Gortch Muppets, Part 1
The Muppets were a big flop on the first season of Saturday Night Live. Did they deserve their fate, or were their sketches better than their reputation suggests?
The Muppets were a big flop on the first season of Saturday Night Live. Did they deserve their fate, or were their sketches better than their reputation suggests?
Philo and Gunge are moving out! What? In this housing crisis?
The connections go far beyond The Land of Gortch.
The Fraggle Foodie tries her hand at making Boober’s multi-flavored soup!
Fraggle Rock goes through a pandemic. Nothing topical about that!
Taking a look at the new comic book series that features stories from the worlds of Fraggle Rock, The Dark Crystal, and Farscape!
Fraggle Rock LIVE is on tour across the nation! Find out what we thought of it!
A frozen Trash Heap, disgusting soup, and Fraggle-shaped salt shakers. What more could you want?
Whether about museums, Elmo or even guns, a lot of people have questions about Kermit the Frog.
The Grapes of Generosity are a thing that exist in Fraggle Rock. But are they the dumbest thing to exist in Fraggle Rock?
When we need a little hope (or a little distraction), the Muppets deliver.
A giant wad of gum is eating Doozers! Okay, but would this be a good episode for a first-time viewer?
It’s cute, it’s adorable, it’s Muppets, and it’s Amanda Conrad!
This well-loved Sesame Street toy is still honking after all these years.
Red Fraggle is trying to solve a mystery…but it’s not the mystery you’re thinking of.
Navigating the world through the lens of a neurodivergent Muppet fan.
What we’ve learned from the Washington Post about the state of Sesame Street. It’s not fun!
We’ve got a whole lot of hopes for 2025, like a new home for Big Bird, more Fraggles, and, ideally, a free Muppet*Vision!
All the biggest Muppet news and ToughPigs articles from 2024! This year was a doozy.
The recent news about “Sesame Street” has left folks with a lot of questions, so we’re offering some answers.