Is it just me, or is there a lot of Muppet stuff to talk about right about now? Let’s go down the list…
Muppets on Christmas in Rockefeller Center TONIGHT!
According to the still-shiny-and-new official Muppets Studio Twitter account, the Electric Mayhem, Kermit, Miss Piggy, Fozzie, Gonzo, and Pepe will be appearing on NBC’s Christmas in Rockefeller Center special on Wednesday, December 2 at 8:00 PM/7:00 Central. I don’t know about anyone else, but I always resist getting into the Christmas spirit until the beginning of December, so this should be the perfect way to get my head in the Joyeux Noel zone.
Muppets say hi to Today and Jay Leno
It’s also been announced that the Muppets will be appearing on NBC’s The Today Show on Thursday, December 3rd, and on The Jay Leno Show on Monday, December 7th. So set your DVR, and then fast-forward to the Muppet parts!
Kermit and Tiffani Thornton believe
I’m not exactly sure who Tiffani Thornton is, but she and Kermit sang the Christmas song “I Believe” at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, and now there’s a music video you can watch by clicking the above link. The song itself doesn’t do anything for me… It just kind of exists. But the video is reasonably cute. And the song will be available for download on iTunes and Amazon on December 8th. Speaking of which…
MP3s to Santa
Remember the songs from last year’s Muppet Christmas special Letters to Santa? Like that memorable tune “Something-something Christmas,” or the lovely “Something-something Santa Claus?” Now you can own those songs by downloading them from iTunes or Amazon. I got them all on iTunes for a grand total of $2.99, so the price is certainly right.
Kermit on your mail
Do you send Christmas cards to your friends and family around this time of year? If not, now’s the time to start, because the US Postal Service will be stamping this nifty Kermit postmark on holiday cards and letters this December. Merry Kermitmas, everyone!
The Muppets jingle with Andrea Bocelli
The whole Muppet gang recorded a version of “Jingle Bells” for Andrea Bocelli’s new Christmas album, which is now available — you guessed it — on iTunes and Amazon. They also showed up to sing it on the PBS special Andrea Bocelli & David Foster: My Christmas, as seen below:
Mohair Kermit makes his triumphant debut
Remember that limited edition, made-of-mohair, 265-dollar Steiff Kermit doll that we ridiculed a while back? It’s now available for purchase, and you can get it from the Steiff official website by clicking above. Add it to your Christmas wish list! Or for the same price, you can just ask for a goat and make your own mohair Kermit!
“Muppet Bohemian Rhapsody” conquers the universe
By now, pretty much everyone with a computer is aware of the Muppets’ cover of the Queen song “Boheiman Rhapsody,” which has taken the internet by storm. It’s been linked-to, blogged, Facebooked, e-mailed and Twittered a zillion times, and it’s been featured on various TV shows as the Hot New Thing. It was posted just over a week ago, and as I’m writing this, it’s up to 8,626,531 views… so by the time I click the button to publish this post, it’ll probably be about 50 million. For some reason, embedding has been disabled, but you can watch it (again!) by clicking the above link.
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