Recently, we were contacted by Muppet fan artist Victor Anonsen, who immediately wowed us with his unique, yet classic illustrations and paintings. Normally, we would write some super nice adjectives about his talent and creativity, but Victor opted to tell his story in his own words instead. So rather than listen to us blather on, we’ll let Victor talk about his artwork and his connections with the Jim Henson Company.
Take it away, Victor!
After a couple of years playing football (wide receiver) in the CFL I began building a portfolio of drawings, practicing to become a working artist. This led to my becoming the “Artist in Residence” of Walker House, a B&B in Lenox, Massachusetts.
There I met a vacationing Bonnie Erickson, the artist/designer who was instrumental in the creation of Miss Piggy, other Muppets. She and her husband Wayde Harrison also developed the Philly Phanatic and 15 other sports team mascots. She was very enthusiastic about my growing portfolio and thought Henson Associates might be interested in finding a “Muppurpose” for me.
She arranged a meeting in NYC with a HA! art director. Between us we decided to meld two major American Icons, Kermit the Frog and Rockwell the Artist, as an audition piece. After a couple of months research/work I finished the drawing, “Noman Frogwell”: Triple Self-Portrait”. (The most difficult reference to find was a picture of the back of Kermit’s head – Jim Henson’s knuckles!)
Lenox, Massachusetts is 5 miles from the Rockwell home/museum location in Stockbridge. The locals are protective of his stature and I was concerned/curious about their reaction. I showed it to a few of them… Bingo! No one saw it as an insult. Happily they recognized it as a tribute, even noting the Kermie/Norman facial similarities. Most of them asked me for copies, something I wasn’t prepared to do at the time but it gave me great confidence going into my meeting with HA! Head Art Director, Michael Frith.
He was complimentary, polite, and we talked for more than hour. During that time he showed me a copy of the coffee table book, “Kermitage Collection”. It had Muppets photographed in fine art masterpiece poses/sittings/lighting. As beautiful as the book was it hadn’t been a best seller. He didn’t see more parody artwork as viable. End of meeting.
A year later it was accepted into the Society of Illustrator Annual Show (1987), held that Spring in New York City. I let HA! know, asked if I might show it to Jim Henson and was granted an audience.
Nervous? A bit, but mostly excited. First, to meet the man behind the Muppets, but also because I was hoping he might feel what virtually every person who saw the work felt – joy. It was a major smile-maker and people had been asking if I had copies.
The meeting was held at HA! HQ in Mid-town Manhattan. Jim and several of his staff were there and they were polite, appreciative and complimentary. As was I. I felt honored to meet a man who had become an American icon with what is essentially a sock puppet. This occurred 24 years ago, and my strongest memory is of a gentle man who displayed no ego, despite decades of his being a world famous creative genius.
Unfortunately one image doesn’t make a viable commercial “program”. Sooo, I was inspired to do just that and – unbidden by Jim or anyone from his organization – I started work on the drawings that are “Art Pigstory”.
Many thick, picture-laden Art Books were leafed through, as I looked for the right combination of Famous Art and Adored Muppet. “Van Gonzo” and Van Gogh was meant to be while Miss Piggy demanded she star in the world’s most famous portrait. When I saw Picasso’s ‘Gertrude Stein’; noted how well Swine rhymed with Stein; and their similar shapes, it made perfect sense. It was fun to draw the “Statue of Kermid”, particularly the strategic placement of his lily-pad.
Sadly, Jim’s untimely demise meant he never saw the series and other than the odd public art appearance, the originals reside in my studio. Despite very limited public exposure, I’ve been commissioned to do 7 original copies of “Frogwell”, two “Swines”, a “Van Gonzo” and “Froger”. I’ve also printed and sold most of a small run of “Frogwell”.
Since the Muppets have become part of the Disney Empire I have tried unsuccessfully to bring these images to their attention. I mailed some slides and a cover letter to a Disney Art Director once and it was sent back unopened with a cover letter saying they wouldn’t even LOOK at unsolicited submissions! I get it. In our litigious society, anything can lead to legal action so unless you have contacts, it is easier to win a lottery than get your art/writing seen by a large corporation such as Disney.
Thanks to everyone for the interest,
Victor Anonsen
Many thanks to Victor for sharing his amazing artwork and his story!!
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by Joe Hennes –