Perhaps you’ve seen a few articles I’ve written for this website in the past under the heading “Cool Muppet Things I Never Owned.” Those articles are about items of Muppet merchandise that I was aware of, usually as a youngster, and generally wished for or coveted, but never had in my collection.
Well, today I’m doing something different. Today I’d like to talk to you about a cool Muppet thing I DID own. In fact, I still own it. It’s the 1996 TeleDynamics Kermit the Frog candlestick telephone. Here’s me in video form to tell you more about it. Take it away, video me!
And there you have it. If you enjoyed this video, don’t try calling me on this phone to tell me, because it isn’t connected to anything.
Click here to place a long-distance call to the Tough Pigs forum!
by Ryan Roe – Ryan@ToughPigs.com