The Sad Tale of the SNL Gortch Muppets, Part 1
The Muppets were a big flop on the first season of Saturday Night Live. Did they deserve their fate, or were their sketches better than their reputation suggests?
The Muppets were a big flop on the first season of Saturday Night Live. Did they deserve their fate, or were their sketches better than their reputation suggests?
The connections go far beyond The Land of Gortch.
When we need a little hope (or a little distraction), the Muppets deliver.
What we’ve learned from the Washington Post about the state of Sesame Street. It’s not fun!
They’re nasty, sure — but they’re also talented.
We’re letting the Muppets remind us that hope is a game we play, even at our lowest.
Muppet merch doesn’t get me excited like it used to. What’s wrong with me?
When Muppets, Sesame, and Fraggles get together, something truly magical happens.
If you think ToughPigs is moving toward the left, then you don’t know ToughPigs.
ToughPigs is proud to endorse Kamala Harris as a first step towards making the world a better place.
Is Sam the Eagle the Ken from Barbie of the Muppets? Sure, why not!
Now that Frank Oz has been inducted as a Disney Legend, who’s next??
Don’t throw away your 3-D glasses just yet.
Should Sam’s feet be yellow or blue? And what do historical precedents tell us?
One neurodivergent fan’s personal exploration of how Gonzo became his favorite Muppet.
The Muppets coming together with a hot teen drama? What could go wrong?
Why is it so hard to talk about the connection between Muppet fandom and neurodiversity?
The ToughPigs team discusses what we liked and loved about the new season of Back to the Rock!
The Muppet Movie villain thinks he has lots of friends. He’s wrong. Ha?
We loved Pogey and Wembley’s LGBTQ+ stories, but how much can we learn about gender from Gorg Boxing Day?