Hiya, readers! You know that sketch from The Muppet Valentine Show where the two Koozebanians run into each other really fast, and there’s an explosion, and when the smoke clears there’s a bunch of adorable baby Koozebanians?

I’m very excited to announce that something very similar is happening right now in the world of Muppet fan websites. Instead of Koozebane, it’s the internet. Instead of a mommy and daddy Koozebanian, it’s Tough Pigs and The Muppet Mindset. And instead of baby Koozebanians, the end result is a better-than-ever ToughPigs.com!
Was that analogy too strained and/or weird? Here, let me try it this way: Tough Pigs and The Muppet Mindset are merging! As of today, MuppetMindset.com will no longer be an active website. (Awwwww.) From now on, all the Muppet fun and nerdiness you’ve come to associate with the Mindset will be available on ToughPigs.com. (Yaaaaay!)
I realize you may have a few questions, so we’ve tried to anticipate them and provide some answers. Read on:
Why are you doing this? Because we think it’s a good idea! Tough Pigs and The Muppet Mindset have long been among the very best Muppet fan locations on the internet, so by joining forces we figure we’ll be even better than the sum of our parts. Before long, we expect to take over Gizmodo, Entertainment Weekly, and AllRecipes.com too!
When will this go into effect? Today. We’ve been talking about it for a long time, and recently we decided the time was right and got all our chickens in a row.
Aren’t Tough Pigs and The Muppet Mindset longtime rivals? Ha! Ha ha! Ha. Well, we have made a few jokes over the years about The Muppet Mindset being our rival, our competition, and our lifelong sworn enemy. But all of that was just good-natured teasing. In reality, we’ve all been pals for a long time. At least, I think we have. Hmm… If this all turns out to be a Mindset scheme to sabotage Tough Pigs from the inside, it’s a brilliant plan.
What will change at ToughPigs.com? Very little! The Muppet Mindset’s grand poohbah Jarrod Fairclough is now a co-owner and editor here alongside Joe Hennes and Ryan Roe (me!), so you’ll be seeing more of his great work on this site. Jarrod has already written several entertaining and insightful pieces for us, so we’re looking forward to seeing his name around here more often. Some of the Mindset’s other contributors will also show up here from time to time.
What will happen to the Muppet Mindset’s previous articles? You’ll be able to read many of them right here! Jarrod Fairclough and Mindset founder Ryan Dosier have curated a whole heap of classic articles and ported them over to ToughPigs.com, where you can now find them under our new “Muppet Mindset” category. Go ahead! Read them all! You can also find all the classic stuff at a brand-new URL — MuppetMindsetArchives.com. Go ahead! Read them all!
I love Tough Pigs AND The Muppet Mindset! Is there anything I can do to help as you begin this exciting new chapter? As a matter of fact, there is. We’re launching a Patreon! Just like when the Muppets put on that telethon in the 2011 motion picture The Muppets, we’re asking you to give us money to help keep the reinvigorated Tough Pigs going. There are three membership levels, and we’ll use the funds to build a new website (We haven’t had an update since 2008!), continue creating great podcasts, and keep on making more of the commentary, reviews, news, and everything else you’ve come to love! Click here to find out more — and to give us your money!
If you can’t afford to pledge to the Patreon, that’s no problem at all! You can continue to read, listen to, and watch all our stuff, and follow us on all the social media thingies.
Has Jarrod from The Muppet Mindset written his own thoughtful and heartfelt post on this new development? He has! You can read Jarrod’s announcement by clicking here.
I love Cookie Monster! That’s not a question. But so do we!
Keep an eye on this website for more exciting things!

Click here to react to this exciting news on the Tough Pigs forum!
by Ryan Roe – Ryan@ToughPigs.com