The beauty of many of the Muppet designs is that they can be boiled down to their basic elements and still be completely recognizable. We all recognize the shade of Fozzie’s fur, the curve of Gonzo’s nose, the oblong-ness of Kermit’s pupils. And artist Michael Bedard totally gets it.
Bedard has been creating these vectored images of the Muppet characters, some overly simple and some with greater detail, and they really illustrate the diversity of what can be done with the Muppet designs.
As you’ll see in a second, he has a few that are inspired by the Pook-a-Looz plush toys, some inspired by existing photographs, some of his own design, and a few more that combine his pictures into one larger tableau.
Many thanks to Michael for allowing us to share his art! If you want to see more of Michael’s work, be sure to check out his DeviantArt page!
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by Joe Hennes –