Alternate title: When Love Is Braun! We’re talking about Minutes 45-46 of The Muppet Christmas Carol, in which Belle and young Ebenezer have a sad conversation and Belle starts singing “When Love Is Gone.” With EXTREMELY special guest Meredith Braun! She played Belle in this movie!
PLUS: The Victorian Talking Houses! How does Belle compare to Eponine from Les Miz? Singing with Michael Caine! Chatting with Fozzie! Working with two Scrooges! Musical theater memories! And Belle the suffragette!
ALSO: Learn more about Patti Lupone’s memoir on her website!
Hosted by Anthony Strand & Ryan Roe
Guest Meredith Braun
Produced & Edited by Ryan Roe
Logo by Morgan Davy
A Tip of the Hat to Wilson, Jogchem, Carolyn, Matthew, and KB!