As you may know, I have a particular love of the Muppets. I also have a love of well-crafted fan art. Put ’em together, and you’ve tickled my fancy, launched my penguin, and honked my Honk of Honks. And when I put ’em together, we get The Mup Art Show.
As I traverse the recesses of the internet on a daily basis, I’m always keeping an eye out for some truly incredible and unique Muppet fan art. And as you can imagine, the internet rarely disappoints. Since our last Mup Art Show spotlight (which was, yikes, two years ago!), I’ve amassed quite a collection of wonderful artwork featuring our favorite Muppets, Sesame Street characters, and Fraggles.
If you like what you see, be sure to click the artist links and follow them on social media! Many thanks to everyone who created these wonderful works of art, and we hope – nay, we know – you’ll enjoy!

We hope you enjoyed all these terrific works of art! If you’re a Muppet fan artist, feel free to submit your work to us at art@toughpigs.com to be considered for future ToughPigs art spotlights!
Click here to ride a Snuffleupagus to the ToughPigs forum!
by Joe Hennes – Joe@ToughPigs.com