Well, we’re halfway through Pride Month, and we here at ToughPigs are still trying to bring attention to the many issues currently facing the LGBTQ community. As we’ve said, LGBTQ people are a part of so many Henson and Muppet things you love, and LGBTQ themes are present in puppetry projects of all kinds. However, many people are trying to limit the rights that LGBTQ people have, putting innocent people in danger and limiting the ways we all can express ourselves.
Here at ToughPigs, we’ve been raising money for two important charities: Equality Florida and the Southern Equality Project. You can see our original Pride Month post for links to various Muppet-inspired merchandise you can buy to support these charities!
However, starting today, we’re introducing a new way you can support these charities while getting Muppet stuff.
That’s right: folks who donate to these charities will be entered in a drawing to win a really cool Muppet prize.
Our pal Emily Engel has made a one-of-a-kind Pride Janice Muppet replica. Check it out. She’s incredible.

Plus, we’ve got fifteen original one-of-a-kind Richard Hunt character magnets made by ToughPigs’ resident trans writer and artist Becca Petunia. (Here’s a photo of two of them. The others are secrets.)

Do you want to win some of this stuff? (I’m certain you want Janice.)
Here’s how this contest will work:
- You donate to one of the organizations below:
- You’ll forward the original confirmation email to contest@toughpigs.com
- For every $10 you donate, we’ll enter your name into our contest once.
- For example, donating $10 will allow you to enter your name into the contest once
- Donating $100 will allow you to enter the contest 10 times
- Donating $10,000 will get you 1,000 entries
- You can give as much as you’d like to either of these organizations! Just let us know!

On Saturday, June 24, we’ll be announcing the winner of the Janice replica, plus fifteen winners of Richard Hunt character magnets, on a ToughPigs Pride Livestream. We’ve got some fun stuff planned for that as well, with a lot of surprises, so you’ll want to check it out either way! Follow us on social media for updates regarding that!
We will also email the winners, in case they are unable to attend the stream.
A little fine print: Only one prize will be awarded per winner. Donations must be dated after June 15, 2023 and before 12 PM Eastern on June 24, 2023 UPDATE: We will be accepting donations through the stream! Donate by 8:30pm ET to be entered into the contest! Only US-based addresses will be eligible to win Janice. However, all entrants will be able to win a magnet. Prizes may be mailed any time over the weeks following the contest.
Thank you to everyone who considers donating, whether through this contest or otherwise. And thank you for sharing this article with everyone you know!
And, of course, thank you for being part of the change. Now let’s go do some good.
Click here to celebrate Pride Month on the Tough Pigs forum!
by Becca Petunia