Way back in August, 2001, this little website that you’re reading right now made its grand debut. Twenty years later, we celebrated with all sorts of things including a new website design, a podcast series, and The Great Muppet Mural. Now we’re at the one-year anniversary of our twenty-year anniversary (or is it the other way around?), which means that ToughPigs is already hitting another major milestone.
Reaching two decades has been a huge thrill, and we’re equally excited to be turning 21. When we turned 20, we felt like we’d finally become grown-ups, sort of elder statesmen of Muppet fandom. But 21 is something altogether new. There are things you can do at 21 that weren’t allowed a year earlier. So what can we possibly do with this ripe old age of ours?

ToughPigs Can Legally Drink
We can order a grasshopper for the Frog! We can sip Sparkling Muscatel through a straw! Johnny Fiama can serve us drinks at Club Dot! The Muppets have been showing off how they can drink without anatomically functioning mouths since the 1960s, and we’re ready to join them at the bar.

ToughPigs Can Legally Gamble
Now that we’ve turned 21, we’re excited to sit around a poker table with a bunch of Muppet dogs, or to sit in a Reno casino to catch a performance by The Moopets. Whatever we end up doing, we’ll likely end up losing a whole lot of money to a Muppet monster who likely has a few aces hidden up three or four of its sleeves.

ToughPigs Can Book a Hotel Room
Did you know that you can’t book a hotel room until you’re over 21? I mean, you probably can at the Happiness Hotel, where they seem to be pretty lax about the regulations.
ToughPigs Can Buy Weed
…legally now! Or, at least in states where marijuana has been legalized.
ToughPigs Can Get Its Pilot License
Just imagine the possibilities – we can fly a biplane upside-down, we can fly to the north pole with Muppets hanging off the wing, and we can fly over London as we toss crates storing various animals overboard.

ToughPigs Can Adopt a Child
I mean, that sounds like way too much responsibility for us. But should we choose to adopt, we can now follow in the footsteps of Gordon and Susan or Gina on Sesame Street, who all seemed pretty happy with their expanded families.

ToughPigs Can Drive an Uber
You know, like Pepe did in that one episode of The Muppets! Remember that classic Muppet moment? And then everyone started driving Ubers because they wanted to be like Pepe? Quite possibly the most important Muppet scene in recent history.
Being 21 sure sounds exciting! We can’t wait to dive into more debauchery and a little adult responsibility from here on. Perhaps at the same time?
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