Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3 – Part 4
Here we are, at the end of yet another t-shirt contest review series. It’s been a blast, but all things good (or obnoxious, as some of you may think) must come to a close.
But it’s not the end for you! You’ve still got about 50 reviews to read! So get crackin’, and enjoy all this bizarre and fantastic fan art!
This isn’t the first time Big Bird has been seen on a spoof of the Presidential Seal. When he ran for President (yep, that’s a thing that happened), his seal looked like this. So, it’s similar, but not so much that there’s any question if this artist stole the idea. This one might actually be better, mostly because of the vibrant colors, but also because it teaches kids Latin.
My rating: 4
You can’t tell unless you squint, but Cookie Monster and Oscar are in there somewhere too. Yet another victim of poor t-shirt placement. At least this one probably wasn’t a contender to begin with, what with all the pre-existing art this person traced to make it.
My rating: 2
Yes, Baby Cookie Monster and Baby Elmo are adorable. No, I would not want to buy a shirt for myself with their pictures on it. Yes, I feel guilty when I look into their sparkling eyes. No, this entry will not even come close to winning. Yes, I want some cookie juice.
My rating: 2
This is a very nice portrait of Bert and Ernie. A part of me just wants their actual portrait from their living room wall on a t-shirt, but since we’re focusing on original artwork, this will do nicely.
My rating: 4
What a strange mix of original and pre-existing art. Cookie, Grover, and the Honker are obviously taken straight out of a coloring book, while Bert, Ernie, and Elmo are sloppy by comparison. And is that… Herry? Or Herry’s East German cousin? Did he get lost on his way to Sesame Street? Is he the one asking for directions?
My rating: 3
I sat here trying to remember if this was a character I’d seen before. Maybe one of the Muppet suns, or a character from an obscure animated segment, or some bizarre Ernie fantasy. And then it hit me. It’s a sunny day, sweeping the clouds away. This one is far too smart for me.
My rating: 4
Either the Guardians of Ga’Hoole are now guarding Sesame Street, or Sesame Street Magazine is now being delivered to Hogwarts via owl.
My rating:4
Bert and Ernie sock monkeys?? Why are we wasting time making a t-shirt out of this when we could be making real ones?? Someone get Paul Frank on the phone!
My rating: 5
Is that Sesame Street as the Seinfeld logo? “What is the deal with the alphabet? All the letters are in alphabetical order!”
My rating: 2
One of our all-time most popular ToughPigs articles is our coverage of the Muppet Rawk art show from 2009. So a lot of you out there probably saw this exact same idea already. Maybe the artist did too. And maybe not, but that’d be a heck of a coincidence.
My rating: 3
If you drove a cookie car, I guarantee that this is what you’d eventually see splattered on your windshield.
My rating: 3
This is what I’d rather be doing than writing t-shirt reviews. Not that this is so horrible, but damn does that desert island hammock look good.
My rating: 3
First of all, Big Bird as the sun is totally perfect. As a child of the early 1980s, when Big Bird was every kid’s best friend, he was absolutely the center of my universe. But the kicker is the Yip Yip comets. This is the galaxy I want to live in.
My rating: 5
Is Big Bird trying to hatch the earth? If so, I worry for all of us. But especially Greenland, which seems to be directly beneath Big Bird’s, uh, center of gravity.
My rating: 4
Come on, people. Just come on. Stop stealing Sesame clip art. You did not make this. You wrote some words that have nothing to do with it and pretended you’re clever. You’re not clever. You’re an art thief. But not the cool “Thomas Crowne” kind.
My rating: 1
*Closes eyes* “I wish this t-shirt was real.” *Drops quarter into Zoltar’s mouth* *Turns into Tom Hanks*
My rating: 5
The thing I like most about this piece is that the world of Sesame Street looks so tiny when you try to make it as an accurate map. I’m not sure the casual fan will get that, but it amuses me greatly. Is to laugh.
My rating: 4
You know what? Everything really is A-OK. I’m glad there might be a t-shirt to help me inform people about the status of everything, and whether or not it falls under the category of A-OK.
My rating: 4
Never in my life did I think I would see a Snuffy as Ganesh picture. And yet, here we are. I just want to let all this absorb, and remember exactly where I was when I first saw it. Wow. And there it is, you guys.
My rating: 4
My favorite part about this piece is easily the feather frame. I mean, I love seeing Snuffy and Big Bird and Radar and everything, but we’ve seen a lot of them in this contest. That’s the first feather frame we’ve had, and it’s totally worth ignoring the characters to appreciate.
My rating: 4
If a cookie is baking cookies, does that mean that’s their form of reproduction? If so, Mazel Tov, giant cookie! You’re a daddy!
My rating: 4
Have I seen Abby… dancing? Why is this question important enough to put on a t-shirt? Has she gone missing? Was she last seen doing a tap dance routine? Is Ernie trying to let us know that Rubber Duckie is Neo from The Matrix? Does Radar only speak in texting shorthand?
My rating: 1
Is that even Cookie Monster? Or is it a furry blue baby who happened to get his hands on a cookie? Do I care enough to investigate? The answer to all three questions is No.
My rating: 2
I don’t I can’t even what is this ugh I just don’t care anymore
My rating: 1So Abby Cadabby has a brother now. But only in the t-shirt universe. Okay, got it. Thanks for nothing, fanfic.
My rating: 1
Man, this piece really gets me. When I see art like this, I totally hear “Ra Ra Rawr Rala Ra” too! And then I want to fall asleep, just like Oscar! We have so much in common!
My rating: 1
Cute idea! Also a painful thought. But, like, in a Roger Rabbit kind of way.
My rating: 4
As strange as it is, I can’t stop thinking about the physics involved in taking a bite out of the middle of a cookie. Not even Cookie Monster’s jaw is equipped to handle that task.
My rating: 4
Grand Theft Auto: Sesame Street, in which you get to drive the Sloppy Jalopy recklessly around town, make cookie deals with the local meth heads, and get rewarded for successfully avoiding the grammar police.
My rating: 4
Fun Fact: If you don’t draw Big Bird’s footprint correctly, it looks like a down arrow. So if someone asks you how to get to Sesame Street, you can direct them to your pants.
My rating: 2
That’s a pretty classy depiction of Big Bird. It’s like he’s posing for a Renaissance-era painting with his teddy bear. You’d be surprised as to how many old paintings involved kings and generals and lords with their stuffed animals. It’s a grand tradition.
My rating: 5
First, you write the location of the place you’re trying to find on balloon. Then you fill it with helium. Then you let go and silently weep to yourself because you’ll never be able to afford a trip overseas anyway.
My rating: 2
I like the detail of the various Sesame characters looking up at the
bird plane flying monster. The three panel sequence at the top seems unnecessary, unless it’s an homage to something I don’t immediately recognize. Even still, it would work a lot better as a t-shirt design without it.
My rating: 3
This is the first time in my life when I’ve wanted to be more into RPG video games. Because this looks like a spot-on parody. I’m sure all you Pokemon nerds are getting a big kick out of this one.
My rating: 4
Slap a “Merry Melodies” logo above that face and you could probably convince me that Big Bird was originally a Warner Bros creation. Just look at that great animated style. Who wouldn’t want to see him in a classic Tex Avery cartoon? No one, that’s who.
My rating: 5
It’s been done. And then done again. And then done to death. Sorry, Bert.
My rating: 3
Not enough has been done to emphasize the fact that Bert and Ernie were among the first earthlings to make contact with an alien species. This is a good start in righting that wrong. But now I’m thinking about why the Yip Yips were so concerned about learning more about our planet. Maybe they’re scouts, taking notes on our natural resources, preparing for the imminent invasion! No wonder they’re so concerned about our communication system.
My rating: 4
Wow, kudos to this artist for not only illustrating an epic Super Grover action pose, but for remembering that Grover Kent is a doorknob salesman. Well played.
My rating: 5
Yikes! Big Bird has been contorted into some sort of hybrid freak, while Elmo takes advantage of the situation with a custom-made saddle. This is fourteen kinds of wrong and disturbing and I want my mom.
My rating: 1
That’s a real nice mantra for Oscar. As a bonus, it’s actually really well illustrated. It’s so nice, Oscar would never be caught wearing it. That’s how you know it’s a winner.
My rating: 5
Oh my god. I’m openly weeping right now. I’m not even pretending there’s something in my eye. Tears are freely flowing down my face. This is just simply beautiful.
My rating: 5
Here’s one by our artsy pal Noel Schornhorst, who actually submitted this piece to us back in 2012. It was great then, and it’s great now. The Count looks fantastic in silhouette, with a hint of scary. Just how I like my Count.
My rating: Withheld, since the artist is our buddy.
Some people get gold grills on their teeth. Some people get numbers. To each his own, I guess.
My rating: 4
Ugh, too cute. Why anyone would try and draw Elmo as if he’s “cute” is beyond me. He should be dark and gritty and inaccessible to children. That’s the way George Washington wanted it to be when he founded this great nation of ours.
My rating: 2
Another “If Moon Were Cookie” reference, but what gets me is the celestial light inCookie Monster’s fur. That sure is purdy. Also, apparently we all live inside Cookie Monster. This explains… so much.
My rating: 4
Thank you all so much for sticking with us throughout this journey through WeLoveFine’s Sesame Street t-shirt design contest. We couldn’t have done it without you. Well, we could have, but that’s a “tree falling in the forest” type of situation, isn’t it?
Stay tuned as we announce the winners of the contest and we all get to purchase the shirts we love best. Until then, keep on reading ToughPigs every day, kids!
Click here to get trash all over your Oscar shirt on the ToughPigs forum!
by Joe Hennes –