FRAGGLE TALK: The Unofficial Fraggle Rock Podcast is back in action with another brand new episode! This week we’re diving deep into “Deep Dive”, in which the Fraggles, Merggles, and Craggles are still dealing with a ton of problems, so Mokey tries to help Red get through her anxiety about the whole thing.
Joining us for this episode is another one of Back to the Rock‘s key performers – the puppeteer behind Cotterpin Doozer, the Storyteller Fraggle, and Mokey Fraggle: Donna Kimball! Happy listening, gang!
Find us at “Muppet Fan Podcasts with ToughPigs.com” on your favorite podcast catchers, including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Spotify!
Fraggle Talk: The Unofficial Fraggle Rock Podcast is brought you to by ToughPigs.com.
Produced, written, and hosted by Joe Hennes.
“Fraggle Fast Facts” segments presented by special guest John Tartaglia.
“Dig Deeper” segments hosted by Beth Cook with special guest Halle Stanford.
Fraggle Talk art by Dave Hulteen, Jr. The Fraggle Rock mark and logo, characters, and elements are trademarks of The Jim Henson Company. All rights reserved.
Fraggle Rock theme song, written by Philip Balsam and Dennis Lee, is used with permission.
Special thanks to The Jim Henson Company, Apple TV+, and the entire Fraggle Rock: Back to the Rock family.