Fraggle Talk: Classic – “A Cave of One’s Own”
Roommates, huh? Can’t live with ’em, can’t afford to live without ’em.
Roommates, huh? Can’t live with ’em, can’t afford to live without ’em.
Philo and Gunge are moving out! What? In this housing crisis?
The Fraggle Foodie tries her hand at making Boober’s multi-flavored soup!
Fraggle Rock goes through a pandemic. Nothing topical about that!
Fraggle Rock LIVE is on tour across the nation! Find out what we thought of it!
Soup can be quite dangerous.
A frozen Trash Heap, disgusting soup, and Fraggle-shaped salt shakers. What more could you want?
The Grapes of Generosity are a thing that exist in Fraggle Rock. But are they the dumbest thing to exist in Fraggle Rock?
A giant wad of gum is eating Doozers! Okay, but would this be a good episode for a first-time viewer?
With special guest: Writer, director, choreographer, and Fraggle – John Tartaglia!
Red Fraggle is trying to solve a mystery…but it’s not the mystery you’re thinking of.
We’ve got a whole lot of hopes for 2025, like a new home for Big Bird, more Fraggles, and, ideally, a free Muppet*Vision!
Gobo grapples with his doubts and his friends nearly freeze to death! It’s a… holiday classic?
Gobo almost causes a mass extinction of Ditzies in this classic episode of Fraggle Rock!
The Fraggles declare war, and it’s exactly as dire as you’d expect.
Our season finale, with special guests Executive Producers John Tartaglia and Halle Stanford!
It’s almost the holidays, so we’ve got your gifts covered with some of our favorite Muppet, Fraggle and ToughPigs items!
With special guest: Fraggle Rock Back to the Rock puppeteer Dan Garza!
With special guests Donna Kimball (Mokey) and Jordan Lockhart (Wembley)!
Find out when and where you’re gonna see the live Fraggle Rock show!