Every year, we hit up the annual Toy Fair in New York City, and we’re often disappointed at the lack of Muppet/Sesame/Henson merchandise on display. And while you’ll have to wait just a few more days to read our full report on what we found (or didn’t find), we have one early scoop for you.
The good people at Funko, who have given us some fantastic Muppet and Sesame Street toys, are now taking on the world of The Dark Crystal.
As you can see in the image above, the first wave will include Jen, Kira (with bonus Fizzgig), Aughra, a Mystic, and the Chamberlain Skeksis. Obviously these are just unfinished mockups for now, but hopefully we’ll be seeing the real deal soon enough.
We’ll keep you updated on the release of these little guys, and stay tuned for our full Toy Fair report soon!
Click here to get a Funko Fizzgig on the ToughPigs forum!
by Joe Hennes – Joe@ToughPigs.com