It’s been announced that a movie about the early days of Saturday Night Live is being filmed. SNL 1975 will feature a young Lorne Michaels and the original Not Ready For Prime Time Players as they launch one of the longest-running TV series of all time. And as most Henson fans are aware, the Muppets were among the cast of the first season.
Ever since hearing about this project, we’ve wondered if Jim Henson and his crew might be included in the film, along with the Land of Gortch characters. We now have confirmation that the idea is, at the very least, being considered.
According to some social media posts by Catrett Locke Casting, they are looking to hire extras to play Frank Oz and agent Bernie Brillstein. Considering the fact that Jim Henson is not included in this list leads us to believe that he’s already been cast, but this is pure speculation.

It’s at this time we must remind ourselves that just because there are casting notices for Frank and Bernie lookalikes, that doesn’t mean that anyone from the Muppet world is guaranteed to appear in the film. These could be glorified cameos, and easy to cut from the final product.
We will keep you updated on news surrounding Jim Henson, Frank Oz, Bernie Brillstein, and the Land of Gortch characters potentially appearing in the film, so stay tuned to ToughPigs for more information!
Click here to seek Frank Oz on the ToughPigs Discord!
by Joe Hennes – Joe@ToughPigs.com