If it was up to us, we would make sure a full documentary was produced for each and every individual Jim Henson project, if only so we could take the time to learn the complete story about each film, TV episode, commercial, piece of merchandise, and every little thing Jim touched. And while that may be a far-fetched dream, we can get one step closer thanks to the filmmakers behind the Dark Crystal documentary.
The Great Conjunction: The Dark Crystal Documentary is an upcoming doc about, what else?, the making of The Dark Crystal. The project will expand on what we learned from the 1983 documentary The World of The Dark Crystal by focusing on some lesser-known talents beyond Jim Henson, Frank Oz, and Brian and Wendy Froud. The doc will also highlight the influence The Dark Crystal had on future talents and artists.
Now here’s the tough part: The documentary needs your help! It will only get made if they can find their funding, so the filmmakers have started an Indiegogo campaign. Rewards for donating include Blu-rays, t-shirts, posters, exclusive art prints, and extremely rare Dark Crystal statues.
Click here to take a swing at the shard on the ToughPigs forum!
by Joe Hennes – Joe@ToughPigs.com