ORIS and The Muppets have teamed up to market a new wristwatch based on Kermit the Frog. You know, that guy from The Masked Singer? It’s green, of course, and has Kermit’s face where the 6 should be. I can just picture some dad wearing it and telling the family, “Hurry up! We have dinner reservations at Kermit:15!”
Now, let’s give some less-than-good news first: the watch itself costs $4,600. Hoo boy. It’s another unfortunate entry into the list of Muppet products Disney tries to sell, but are just too danged expensive for any casual fan to pick up. Do you know how many Waterville talent contests or souvenir photographs it would take to afford that? A lot! I would very much enjoy having a Kermit wristwatch, but I’d rather not have to sell my blood to pay for it.
Instead, let’s focus on the better-than-bad news: they shot a neat little commercial for it starring Kermit, where he sings a new song (I’m as shocked as you are) as he does a bunch of fun activities. And Angel Marie makes a cameo! Good for him!
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By Shane Keating