There’s still no announced released date for the upcoming Disney+ series The Muppets Mayhem. But Disney has given is something to tide us over until then – a “new” single from the album accompanying the series, the eternal Mayhem classic “Can You Picture That?”
Why do I put “new” in quotes like that? Well, it’s not really a new track. This is the version originally recored for their Outside Lands concert back in 2016, and was then used for the live shows at the Hollywood Bowl in 2017, and the 02 in 2018. It was even uploaded to the official Muppets YouTube channel later that year. So, if you’ve been following the franchise since those dates, you’ve probably already heard this version. But now you can properly listen to it on your iPods or Zunes!
Methinks this means other songs from those live shows will be worked into the show and put on the album as well. That’s fine with me, I guess. Die-hard Muppet fans have probably watched that stuff, but more casual fans probably have not and this will be their first exposure to those covers. But also, I really want a studio version of their “Suffragette City” cover to listen to in my car.
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By Shane Keating