Fraggle Rock: 40 Years Later Review – “The Grapes of Generosity”
The Grapes of Generosity are a thing that exist in Fraggle Rock. But are they the dumbest thing to exist in Fraggle Rock?
The Grapes of Generosity are a thing that exist in Fraggle Rock. But are they the dumbest thing to exist in Fraggle Rock?
The Fraggles get stuck in a time loop! Again and again and again…
Sprocket gets stuck in a Fraggle hole, but we’re way more interested in whatever’s going on with Doc.
Marveling at the size, design, and beauty of the one-off Fraggle Rock character, The Last of the Lily Creatures.
Nora searches for a producer for the Electric Mayhem and works things out with Hannah. But wait, where are the Muppets?
A particularly scary episode of Fraggle Rock proves to be terrifying to some, and a thrill ride to others.
This episode of Fraggle Rock takes 22 minutes to tell the story that Back to the Rock needed a whole season for.
‘Tis the season to revisit all of the great Bob McGrath’s best holiday moments!
This remarkable new book makes Sam & Friends feel like a real TV show for the first time since it aired.
In 1979, two of the world’s most famous critics reviewed The Muppet Movie. Their comments tell us a lot about how the Muppets were perceived in their heyday!
Taking one final look at the final Muppet Babies episode, which homages The Muppet Show!
Wembley and Cotterpin feel exactly like their old selves as Wembley is persuaded to become the face of a Doozer ad campaign.
In honor of the obscure Muppet’s 20th anniversary, interviews with the creative talent behind him!
I heard through the grapevine that the Gladys Knight episode of The Muppet Show is among the best of the series!
The Chris Langham episode is one of The Muppet Show’s funniest, and yet it’s been marred by Langham’s personal life.
We’re drinking Muppet Christmas Carol-inspired teas! But do they TASTE like Muppet Christmas Carol??
In a 1981 episode, Oscar ran a trashy campaign for mayor of NYC.
This is mostly a good episode. So it’s too bad about the racist jokes.
Spend 84 minutes watching highlights of Jim Henson’s career in honor of his 84th birthday!
Surprisingly, the Muppets have had terrible luck with network shows. But they’ve had a ton of success on, well, everything else.