What Color Should Sam the Eagle’s Feet Be?
Should Sam’s feet be yellow or blue? And what do historical precedents tell us?
Should Sam’s feet be yellow or blue? And what do historical precedents tell us?
What was it like playing Jenny in The Muppets Take Manhattan? Juliana Donald gives us the scoop!
The Muppet Movie villain thinks he has lots of friends. He’s wrong. Ha?
Everyone loves The Muppet Christmas Carol! Which is weird, because when it came out, everyone hated it.
In 1979, two of the world’s most famous critics reviewed The Muppet Movie. Their comments tell us a lot about how the Muppets were perceived in their heyday!
The prolific film and TV director was 82.
The Muppet Movie within The Muppet Movie… within The Muppet Movie? What’s going on here?!
We found out all kinds of interesting things about The Muppet Movie — things about cameo stars, puppets, scenes cut from the screenplay, and Idaho!
Muppet Christmas Carol and Muppet Treasure Island are now streaming on Netflix!
Hey, a streaming movie! And another one.
Do you know anyone who complained about CGI Muppets in Muppets Most Wanted? Make them read this!
The Muppets Take Manhattan will be on Netflix Instant starting April 1st!
Tell us what you thought of the movie, and watch your opinions magically appear on this website!
Our spoiler-filled, more detailed review of the newest Muppet movie!
In the mid-80s, The Muppet Movie was released on Super 8… or at least, some of it was.
You already own The Muppet Movie. Should you buy it again?
Thoughts on the much-maligned Muppet Movie Blu-ray cover. Plus: Send us your redesigns!
“Life’s a Happy Song” has been repurposed by Canadian rapper Classified.
The Muppet Movie soundtrack will be re-released the same day as the upcoming Blu-Ray!
More info about the upcoming Blu-Ray for The Muppet Movie!