Haunted by the Ghost of Faffner Hall, Part 2 of 2
We’re watching two more episodes of the lesser-known 1989 Henson series. Are they scary-good, or do they make us want to hide under our beds?
The Muppets were a big flop on the first season of Saturday Night Live. Did they deserve their fate, or were their sketches better than their reputation suggests?
Philo and Gunge are moving out! What? In this housing crisis?
The connections go far beyond The Land of Gortch.
The Fraggle Foodie tries her hand at making Boober’s multi-flavored soup!
Fraggle Rock goes through a pandemic. Nothing topical about that!
by ToughPigs Staff | Oct 27, 2021 | Commentary, Feature
We’re watching two more episodes of the lesser-known 1989 Henson series. Are they scary-good, or do they make us want to hide under our beds?
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