Fraggle Talk: Back to the Rock (aka your favorite Back to the Rock companion podcast) is back with another new episode! This week, we’re celebrating the love of Mokey Fraggle and her pet plant Lanford in “When Mokey Met Lanford”. And who better to join us for this special occasion than the performers behind the two titular characters?
That’s right! We’re proud to welcome Donna Kimball (Mokey Fraggle) and Ingrid Hansen (Lanford) to the podcast!
PLUS! Plant puns! How Gorg booties work! And who the heck is Rhonda??
Click here for a transcript of this podcast.
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Fraggle Talk: The Unofficial Fraggle Rock Podcast is brought you to by ToughPigs.com.
Produced, written, and hosted by Joe Hennes.
Fraggle Talk art by Dave Hulteen, Jr. The Fraggle Rock mark and logo, characters, and elements are trademarks of The Jim Henson Company. All rights reserved.
Transcripts provided by Katilyn Miller.
Fraggle Rock theme song, written by Philip Balsam and Dennis Lee, is used with permission.
Special thanks to The Jim Henson Company, Apple TV+, and the entire Fraggle Rock: Back to the Rock family.